Wednesday, 20 October 2010 @ 22:13.
Wah... Today really enjoyed myself ttm!!!
Hope she feels the ame way too<3
very tired. Have not been sleeping well this few days.
Haiz. I dunno y also. But yea can't sleep.
Sian moss her so much. I think the holidays I will die coz I cannot see her.
NOOO!!!! So sad.
Kays shall end here bye!!!!
( I got to change the ending! )
Sunday, 17 October 2010 @ 11:19.
Hey! Today is the day!
But very tired now.
Yesterday didn't sleep much. Sadded.
Happy 7th Month to Jieyi and me.
Kaya shall end here.
Bye bye!
Monday, 11 October 2010 @ 22:11.
Mistakes again and again.
When the hell are u ever going to be mature Elroy?!
Nothing I ever do is good to u.
Everything I do is wrong. Nothing is right.
Other ppl does it but I am different. Nothing I do is good.
When I try to show some care, it turns out to be some bad stuff.
Being jealous at other ppl. Is the only thing I can ever do.
And I will end up breaking my own heart.
@ 14:00.
I am feeling like crap.
I cannot trust anybody anymore.
Not even the person I love the most. All they ever do is lie.
I got no one to turn to now...
Why can't they just tell me the truth. It is not like I would hate u forever right?
Friday, 8 October 2010 @ 22:03.
Haha! Thanks jieyi for the post -.-"
engkian birthday coming liao!!! Must buy present again. Than jieyi also want present.
Broke ler!!! Hahas nvm. Must save lor.
This is to jieyi:
Hey don't study so much until u forget about ur health okays?
Need to take care of urself. The weather now is ... Well ... Weird so u must take care hor!
Drink more water and sleep early! Don't keep thinking of ... :P
okays?! Must rest hor!
From: Elroy
@ 10:38.
Jieyi here. That Elroytan always nvr post.
So lazy Der.Only know how to eat sleep play only.
But if go shopping buy me and engkian's gift
then I nothig to say arh. Hehe :)))
will post soon <3
Sunday, 3 October 2010 @ 18:45.
Hey back to post.
Missing someone alot right now...
You guys should know who bah. Hahas
just now was quarrelling with Shia yuan in facbook...
He is such a irritating ..... Cannot stand it anymore.
Tomorrow exams liao... Sadded;((.
I really want to see her now.
I must really thank her sooo much.
I seriously love her alot.
Thank you jieyi!!!!
But I don't know. I think I am too selfish to her.
Sorry. Really really sorry.
Kays shall end her. Bye.